We have experience with how spousal support is collected Ohio. First, we divide the assets of the marriage, and then we divide the debt equitably. We divide the assets 50-50…. CONTINUE
In Legal Separation, Is the Other Party Obligated to Keep Paying Insurance Premiums?
At Joseph & Joseph & Hanna we have experience with legal separation cases. If you are legally separated, there has been a full trial or settlement linked to the legal… CONTINUE
What Can I Do To Keep My Legal Fees As Low As Possible?
Over our many years in practice, we have found that various circumstances may cause one client’s bill to be higher than that of another client. When we sat down and analyzed it,… CONTINUE
The Division of Marital Assets in a Divorce
First, there is often a marital home, and the issue is who I going to keep it, and is it going to be sold? The question then is, “What is… CONTINUE
Interstate Custody Issues
When there are children who have residency with the other spouse in the other state, it’s an issue of UCCJEA. That law states, in part, that the court is going… CONTINUE