Certainly, you would have to be living under a rock not to be aware that the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade on June 24. Prior to that date, all… CONTINUE
Ohio child custody and parental behavior
For the division of child custody in Columbus, is the custody division purely mathematical, or is there ever an instance where the other parent’s behavior is so extreme before and… CONTINUE
How Spousal Support is Calculated
We have experience with how spousal support is collected Ohio. First, we divide the assets of the marriage, and then we divide the debt equitably. We divide the assets 50-50…. CONTINUE
Interstate Divorces when your Spouse is not Living in Ohio
The first question that I have is, “Are there children, and where do the children live?” The second question I have is, “How long has your husband or wife been… CONTINUE
Interstate Custody Issues
When there are children who have residency with the other spouse in the other state, it’s an issue of UCCJEA. That law states, in part, that the court is going… CONTINUE