What used to be the end of a career for celebrities, now appears to create stardom! And yes, while Pamela Anderson, Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton and Rob Lowe have all had their famous tapes distributed without their permission, it certainly did not hurt their celebrity status, unless of course, you are R. Kelly and the sex tapes potentially reveal sex with underage girls.
But…What happens when a husband and wife choose to do a sex tape, and then years later a divorce starts? Typically, neither the husband or wife would ever disseminate the tape. I mean, why would they? What would be the purpose? How about an act of vengeance? Never a good idea, and your attorney would tell you to take a deep breath and NOT do what Jim is about to do to Sally:
Jim and Sally have been married for 15 years. Sally is the president of the local PTO (Parent Teacher Organization), and is extremely well regarded within the community. Unfortunately for Jim, Ralph attends most of the meetings of the PTO because he is the Principal of the Junior High School…and yes he is single. So, you have an idea where this is going…
Sally and Ralph have been secretly seeing each other for almost a year, and Sally has decided to start a future with Ralph and give Jim the “Aloha package.” One evening, after the children are in bed, Sally explains to Jim that she wants a divorce, and that she is in love with Ralph. Jim’s world just turned upside down. He is shocked. He never saw this coming. He starts yelling at Sally and telling her she is a horrible mother, and a horrible wife and that everyone needs to know how really bad she is.
The next day he is now alone, fuming over the betrayal of his wife, and even more angry about the fake persona she presents to the community. Everyone adores her.
Jim finds the sex tape on their computer. He then finds the email addresses of everyone involved in the PTO. Everyone. He then sends the tape via the computer to over 100 people.
What could have been an affordable divorce is now a REALLY EXPENSIVE DIVORCE. All hell just broke loose, and Sally goes to the toughest, meanest attorney in town.
So, when you consider doing a sex tape…reconsider. It is never a good idea. And when you consider sharing this tape to others as an act of revenge…again, reconsider.
The attorneys at Joseph & Joseph & Hanna, Co. LPA are experienced in these matters. Call on us to be your legal counsel. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
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