An experienced attorney can help you get the best possible temporary order depending on a variety of circumstances.
It may be different depending on whether you are representing a man or a woman. If you are representing a woman with children, then you want to make sure that they have provided to you as much information about their parenting as possible, as well as their budget.
There are other critical pieces of information to present, but issues of parenting and household budget are very important items to put into the documents that we give to the magistrate.
If you are representing the man, you want to make sure you have very specific information as to his income so the court doesn’t misunderstand and think that he makes more than he does. You also want to be very specific about the standard of living. If the standard of living is not very high, but the income is high, the court may hold determination of support to a lower number.
We, as your attorneys, would want to discuss that with you. And, if you have information that you can provide the court from experts, that would be the time to do it also, such as accountants, psychologists, and teachers.